
Brownes Dairy is going back to the future in the Covid-19 era, with its “milko” delivery service to households in Perth that are self-isolating due to the pandemic.

Brownes spokesperson Natalie Sarich-Dayton said staying at home is becoming a necessity. “We know a lot of families have been struggling to get even their basic groceries, so it is now more important than ever for communities to support each other,” she said.

The company said it had been “inundated” with enquiries from people wanting their milk home-delivered since announcing the trial on its Facebook page.

“It’s really struck a chord of nostalgia amongst the people of Perth that fondly remember getting their milk delivered to their doorstep, which was decades ago,” Sarich-Dayton said.

“There is also a lot of relief; milk is one of those essential items that can cause stress in the household when you run out.”

Eight products can be delivered, including milk, yoghurt, and juice. Delivery is free, after a minimum spend of $10.

Brownes has a vendor network of deliverers, which, the company says, are mostly run by small family businesses.

The deliverers wear masks and gloves to deliver the milk in keeping with safety standards.

“They will text the household to say they are coming – people can put out their laundry basket at the front door of the house and the vendor will drop off the milk into the laundry basket,” Sarich-Dayton said.

“Life isn’t normal right now, for a lot of people, everything is upside down, and if we can play a role in giving back that one little bit of normalcy like having milk for your morning cup of tea or milk to go on the cereal, then we wanted to be able to do that.”

If you live in Perth and would like to place an order, head to to place an order.

Food & Drink Business

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