Quadpack has expanded its eco-conscious YouWood cosmetics collection with a new refillable lipstick product.
The YouWood range is a response to a demand for more natural materials in packaging, according to Quadpack, which bills it as a sustainable and aesthetically attractive solution.
“YouWood’s attractive wooden caps, lids, and cases are crafted at Quadpack’s own manufacturing facilities using ash wood that has been harvested from sustainably managed forests – an asset to any brand,” the company said.

Its new refillable lipstick tube with a click closure joins YouWood’s jars, pots, tubes, and bottles, as well as its lipgloss, mascara, and compact solutions.
“Refillable lipsticks are the latest in sustainable make-up formats. The YouWood lipstick comes with an optional refilling mechanism that is easy to recharge, and provides an intuitive, cost-and-residue saving feature that will make consumers feel good,” said Quadpack.
The company promises further expansion to the range as demand continues to grow.