• AIP State
    AIP State

The sixth AIP State of Industry Webinar is set for 18 September, focusing on Container Deposit Schemes (CDS), which are product stewardship programs where brands take responsibility for the packaging they market, ensuring systems for recovery and recycling are in place.

These schemes for beverage and packaging help minimise litter, keep packaging out of the environment, provide quality feedstock for recycled content, incentivise consumers to recycle, support Australian charities, improve recycling rates, and keep recyclable resources out of landfill.

However, challenges remain as not all states and territories in Australia run the same scheme, and not all materials are accepted nationally. There is also a need for better consumer education programs to ensure more packaging is directed to CDS programs instead of kerbside collection or landfill.

The webinar will address the current state of CDS in Australia, including collection points, accepted materials, opportunities for regional areas, and strategies to improve recovery rates. It will also explore how platforms like RecycleMate can help households locate away-from-home collection points.

Speakers include James Dorney, chief executive officer at TOMRA Cleanaway; Shannon Doherty, sustainability manager at the Australian Beverages Council; and Bonnie Marshall, policy officer at the National Retail Association.

All AIP webinars contribute points towards the Certified Packaging Professional (CPP) designation.

For more information and to register, visit AIP event registration.

Food & Drink Business

The Queensland government has launched a new round of Made in Queensland (MiQ) grants, with an additional $20 million available to help manufacturers grow and create more manufacturing jobs.

The Almond Board of Australia (ABA) has released its latest sales report – revealing that the monthly figures for July were the largest since marketing data has been recorded.

Into the freeze

As consumers become more health conscious, food and beverage manufacturers are looking for new ways, formats, and ingredients to develop better-for-you products. Drawing on its 173-year history, ingredient supplier Langdon is working with suppliers, customers, and the latest technology to meet those needs.