
'Build it and they will come...' certainly rings true for APPEX and its owner APPMA, who had the foresight to implement the evolution of its flagship trade show to create an all-of-industry event that has attracted 400 exhibitors to fill the halls of Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre (MCEC). The expo will run from 12-15 March.

From an exhibitor point of view, the show is 100% sold out, with registrations still open for visitors, and tracking well to fill the halls with decision-makers from across the industry. It's a tremendous result, delivered through a well-coordinated effort by the show organiser Exhibitions &Trade Fairs (ETF), starting from the moment APPEX was launched at AUSPACK back in 2022.

For show owner, the Australian Packaging & Processing Machinery Association (APPMA), this is a clear vindication of its decision to create the new event.

APPMA CEO Michael Moran said, "We are very excited about what APPEX 24 will deliver. The response and support from our members, alliance partners and the broader industry encouraging APPMA to take the opportunity and develop ‘one show for the industry, run by the industry’ has been exceptional.  

"Selling out the event with over 400 exhibitors and 60 per cent larger than our previous AUSPACK speaks for itself. Engaging and listening to our members and the broader industry has resulted in APPEX 24 incorporating unique features, activities, services and events, which combined will enhance the value and experience of exhibitors, visitors and industry partners. A show not to be missed by anyone involved in the processing and packaging industry."

There is much on offer to the 12,000+ visitors expected to visit the MCEC for the four-day action packed event, including the Gala Dinner where the APPMA Awards of Excellence will be presented. Tickets for the dinner are selling fast, and available here. Another highlight is the APPEX Women in Processing & Packaging event, a morning forum from 9-11am on 13 March, that has a small cover charge of $25 to be donated to the Good Friday Appeal. Register here.

The full programme of all events and in-show seminars can be accessed here.

Registration for APPEX is free here



Food & Drink Business

A national network for young grape and wine professionals has been launched, set to foster the next generation of winemakers, viticulturists, cellar door staff, wine judges and other roles in Australia’s wine sector.

A new bill was introduced to Parliament on 19 November, which offers a framework for regulating the sale or importation of organic goods in Australia, and stronger opportunities for exporting organic products.

The Senate Economics Committee has rejected the Food Donations Bill that proposed a tax offset for companies donating excess food to food relief agencies rather than dumping it. While the bill had the potential to deliver the equivalent of 100 million meals to food relief organisations, the committee said it had “serious concerns” including the bill’s “generous” tax concessions. Food relief agencies and social welfare organisations have questioned the committee’s decision to reject the bill outright rather than make recommendations for amendments.