• Glenn Woodworth, from Zip-Pak Australia/ New Zealand, at Foodpro 2017.
    Glenn Woodworth, from Zip-Pak Australia/ New Zealand, at Foodpro 2017.

PKN spoke to Glenn Woodworth of Zip-Pak Australia/ New Zealand about new closure solutions that attracted interest at Interpack and made their Australian debut this week at Foodpro 2017 in Sydney.

From new closure solutions for large bags to ground breaking options in the DTO (difficult to open) space, Zip-Pak Australia's Glenn Woodworth demonstrates some industry-leading concepts hot off the Interpack show trail and now available in Australia:

Food & Drink Business

From 1 July 2026, the excise remission cap for eligible brewers and distillers will be lifted by $50,000 to $400,000. The Wine Equalisation Tax producer rebate will also be increased.

Sydney Brewery has acquired the Rocks Brewing Company’s production facilities and venue in Alexandria, and plans to open a new Lovedale brewhouse by Easter, citing a massive increase in demand for its products as the reason for expansion.

The Arnott’s Group says its latest multi-million-dollar manufacturing facility will fuel the company’s growth ambitions in the better-for-you market segment. It will house Good Food Partners, Arnotts’ cereals, snacks and bars business.