And now for some much needed good news: Australasia's peak packaging awards programme – the Packaging Innovation and Design Awards – has released its highly anticipated list of company and individual finalists across eight categories, representing the cream of the crop in packaging design innovation and industry contribution for 2020.
The PIDA gala event may have been postponed due to Covid-19 but the awards program is still a go – albeit via digital and virtual channels. As the exclusive media partner for the awards, we have partnered with The Australian Institute of Packaging (AIP) to bring you the finalists for the 2020 Australasian Packaging Innovation & Design Awards (PIDA), and will provide of the virtual winners' announcement in April.
The PIDA programme, run by the AIP, has been designed to recognise companies and individuals who are making a significant difference in their respective fields across Australia and New Zealand. The most hotly contested category, not surprisingly, was sustainability, followed by food and beverage. The PIDA programme is the exclusive feeder programme for the prestigious WorldStar Packaging Awards. The 2020 PIDA winners will automatically be eligible for entry into the 2021 WorldStar Packaging Awards competition.
The PIDA awards recognise organisations that have designed innovative packaging within each of these five manufacturing categories: Food; Beverage; Health; Beauty & Wellness; Domestic & Household; and Labelling & Decoration. The programme also includes three special awards: Sustainable Packaging Design, Accessible Packaging Design, and Young Packaging Professional of the Year.

2020 Packaging Innovation & Design of the Year Award – Food Category
This category recognises organisations that have designed innovative packaging and/or materials, within food packaging and processing including fresh, frozen or 'other' sectors. All entries are also judged on sustainable packaging design considerations and what packaging changes they are undertaking to meet the 2025 National Packaging Targets. This is a WorldStar Packaging Awards category.
Finalists are: Arnott’s Cracker Chips unique split case innovation; BioBag World Australia compostable cucumber wrap; Disruptive Packaging for Uniqcor for cold chain environments; OF Packaging for Local Legends novelty shaped pouches; Planet Protector Packaging for the Lobster Protector; Platypus Print Packaging for the Youfoodz Meal Kit and Primo Foods for the Red Range Slice Pack.
See images of the food category finalists along with all other finalists in our gallery at the top of the page.
2020 Packaging Innovation & Design of the Year Award – Beverage Category

The Beverage category recognises organisations that have designed innovative packaging and/or materials for packaging and processing applications for liquid or dry tea, coffee, water and soft drinks, as well as wine, beer and spirits. All entries are also judged on sustainable packaging design considerations and what packaging changes they are undertaking to meet the 2025 National Packaging Targets. This is a WorldStar Packaging Awards category.
Finalists are Brownes Dairy for Australia’s first renewable gable top milk carton; Coca-Cola Amatil for the 100% recyclable rPET bottle; Ecolean for the Bannister Downs Dairy WA chilled pasteurised range; Tetra Pak for JUST Water plant-based reusable water bottle; and O-I Glass ANZ for the Millie fruit juice range.
2020 Packaging Innovation & Design of the Year Award – Health, Beauty & Wellness

The Health, Beauty & Wellness category recognises organisations that have designed innovative packaging and/or materials for application in cosmetics, toiletries, personal hygiene, supplements, vitamins, perfumes, hair body and oral care. This award also covers packaging of all medicines including over the counter medicines and medical equipment packaging. All entries are also judged on sustainable packaging design considerations and what packaging changes they are undertaking to meet the 2025 National Packaging Targets. This is a WorldStar Packaging Awards category.
Finalists are Pact Group for the New Zealand Earthwise Glow Labs PCR 100% rPET bottle range; and Kahuku Natural refillable stainless-steel range of cleansers and liquid soap containers.

2020 Packaging Innovation & Design of the Year Award – Domestic & Household
The Domestic & Household category recognises organisations that have designed innovative packaging and/or materials for packaging for the domestic and household, toy, stationery, gifts, clothing, garden equipment and decorating sectors. All entries are also judged on sustainable packaging design considerations and what packaging changes they are undertaking to meet the 2025 National Packaging Targets. This is a WorldStar Packaging Awards category.

Finalists are Birdstone Collective & NCI Packaging for the Dulux Group's Cabot’s Ready Bucket range; Birdstone Collective & Orora Cartons for the recyclable Telstra Sleeve; Sealed Air for Daisy Pool Covers; Gaprie Ltd for the P.C. Nets, which are a reusable alternative for pallet containment; Outside the Box Caskets for an ecological solution to the traditional timber and MDF casket; Pact Group for New Zealand's Earthwise brand's PCR 75% rHDPE household cleaning range; and Sealed Air for its Brand Protective Packaging Korrvu product protection solution.

2020 Packaging Innovation & Design of the Year Award – Labelling & Decoration
The Labelling & Decoration category is designed to recognise the addition of content to a pack which creates a unique or innovative appearance, function or communication. This may include labels, sleeves, tags, coding/markings, etching, directly applied inks or any other similar process. All entries are also judged on sustainable packaging design considerations and what packaging changes they are undertaking to meet the 2025 National Packaging Targets. This is a WorldStar Packaging Award Category.
Finalists are NCI Packaging & DuluxGroup for the Porter’s Paints superior crafted paint can and UPM Raflatac & Kiwi Labels for the CUSTOM-PAK rPET Cherry Punnet with self-adhesive label, permanent adhesive that is also washable at the PET recycling plant.

The Accessible Packaging Design Special Award is designed to recognise packaging that is accessible, intuitive, easy-to-open and innovative. Accessible packaging design award entries need to demonstrate measuring techniques, an understanding of injuries caused by packaging and consumer satisfaction levels with packaging accessibility. This award is sponsored by Arthritis Australia and Arthritis New Zealand.
Finalists are Ecolean for the Bannister Downs Dairy WA chilled pasteurised range and Reckitt Benckiser for Gaviscon Dual Action Sachets.

The Sustainable Packaging Design Special Award is designed to recognise companies that have developed innovative packaging or processing solutions that incorporates sustainability considerations. Elements include Social, Material, Source Reduction, Energy and Recovery.
One of the winners will be awarded the custom EcodEX packaging environmental assessment valued at $10,000. Selerant will implement its acclaimed EcodEX assessment and provide the winner a reputable third-party environmental evaluation of the product package or formulation. This is a WorldStar Packaging Awards Category.
Finalists are Birdstone Collective & Orora Cartons for the recyclable Telstra Sleeve; Brownes Dairy for Australia’s first renewable gable top milk carton; Coca-Cola Amatil for the 100% recyclable post-consumer recycled rPET bottle; ecostore for New Zealand’s first 100% Ocean Waste Plastic (OWP) limited edition hand wash container; Nestlé Australia for the

KITKAT Chocolatory recyclable e-commerce solution; Omni Group for the PerformX 100% recyclable stretch wrap; Orora Fibre Packaging for the recyclable moulded paper inserts; Pact Group for New Zealand's Earthwise brand's PCR 75% rHDPE household cleaning range; Planet Protector Packaging for the Lobster Protector; Planet Protector Packaging for the home compostable mailer pouch; Sealed Air Brand Protective Packaging for the TempGuard kerbside recyclable packaging for pre-packaged, temperature sensitive goods; and UPM Raflatac & Kiwi Labels for the CUSTOM-PAK rPET Cherry Punnet with self-adhesive label, permanent adhesive that is also washable at the PET recycling plant.
2020 Young Packaging Professional of the Year Award

The purpose of the Young Packaging Professional of the Year Award is to provide incentive and recognition to young professionals who are both currently working in and wish to pursue a career in the packaging industry.
Finalists are Alison Appleby, member resource & program coordinator, APCO; Christopher Moffatt AAIP, quality control coordinator & product developer, Caspak Products; and Kelly Wade, scientist, Scion (NZ).
The 2020 Australasian PIDA winners will be formally announced, virtually, in April. As exclusive media partners, PKN and Food & Drink Business will be providing coverage.
The AIP acknowledges the following sponsors of the PIDA programme: Platinum – APCO, Viscotec and Wellman Packaging; Silver – Auspouch, Metalprint, Mosca, Platypus Print Packaging, Verix and Westrock; Bronze – Bio-lutions, Caps and Closures, Cemac, JL Lennard, KHS, Konica Minolta, OF Packaging, Planet Protector, Sealed Air, Taghleef Industries, TetraPak, Vanden Recycling, Zipform Packaging, Esko; Supporters – Aeson Material and Ecolean.