Depending on the operating environment, method of handling and anticipated application, the behaviour of powders and bulk materials can change completely in conjunction with certain materials. How these behave depends on the particles’ size and form, bulk weight, compressibility, cohesive strength, moisture, oil content and type of reaction to atmospheric conditions…
…And this affects the flow behaviour…
…which in turn has a significant effect on the correct design of conveyor systems and filling, palletising and packaging equipment.
According to Beumer, the success of any system depends on getting every detail right so that individual items work in perfect harmony.
So the Beumer Group has developed expertise in combining individual machines and systems by means of intelligent automation for greater efficiency. The Beumer Group delivers filling, palletising and packaging equipment from a single source as a systems supplier.
Each piece of Beumer equipment is regularly assessed for possible improvement. It has completely revamped its paletpac high-performance layer palletiser recently in order to stack paper, PE and PP bags on different sized pallets flexibly, accurately and stably. The resulting benefits are improved accessibility, shorter installation time, greater flexibility and therefore lower costs. The palletiser can be fitted with a double belt turning mechanism which allows bags filled with bulk materials with special flow behaviour to be stacked on pallets gently, quickly and accurately. And Beumer’s customer support specialists can easily retrofit existing machines with this solution.
Beumer has also developed a Warehouse Management System (WMS). This system fulfills all the main requirements of the bulk materials industry, such as the storage of sensitive substances, batch tracking and space-saving and cost-efficient warehouse management. The WMS has an interface to all common ERP systems. Warehouse management, the material flow system and process control of the individual machines are incorporated. The user therefore has a continuous overview of his production and storage facilities at all times and can match them to the prevailing requirements.
Beumer's Australian office is in Belrose, Sydney.