
In February 2013, Asia Pulp and Paper Group documented its Forest Conservation Policy (FCP) with significant input from Greenpeace. This included an undertaking to produce pulp and paper that is free from fibre or activity linked to deforestation. A few days ago, an independent study confirmed the long-term viability of this commitment to 100% zero deforestation products.

The Forest Trust (TFT) and Ata Marie were asked to conduct an independent “Growth and Yield” study to assess existing plantation areas. The study confirmed that APP has sufficient plantation resource to meet the pulp requirements of its existing mills as well as its future mill in OKI, South Sumatra. 

Scott Poynton, executive director, The Forest Trust, stated, “We are pleased to be able to reassure everyone that APP and its suppliers have sufficient resource for the company’s 100 per cent plantation target. We have identified one minor gap in 2020 but this can be easily filled by increasing the productivity of the plantation operations between now and then.”

Aida Greenbury, APP’s managing director of sustainability, added, “The FCP is central to our business model and this study proves that the model works – we can continue our operations and expand profitably without having a detrimental impact on forests in Indonesia or anywhere else in the world.

“The TFT report forecasts a minor gap in supply in 2020. However, it is clear that with a harvesting rotation of around five years, improvements made now can bridge that gap by increasing productivity of supplier plantations through improved yield, better tree stock and reduction of waste. 

“As such, we have been developing an action plan to ensure we have sufficient plantation fibre to meet the pulp requirements of our existing mills as well as our future mill in South Sumatra, in line with our target to become a 100% plantation business for pulp production.” 

The methodology and conclusions of the report will be evaluated by Rainforest Alliance as part of the independent FCP evaluation it is currently carrying out. Over the last eighteen months, APP has maintained an effective moratorium on all natural forest clearance while carbon and biodiversity assessments were carried out.
The results of all assessments (High Conservation Value (HCV), High Carbon Stock (HCS), peatland, social) are now in the process of being combined into landscape level Integrated Sustainable Forest Management Plans (ISFMPs) in stages. 

APP has updated its FCP report and its commitment to support the protection and restoration of one million hectares of forest in Indonesia, announced in April 2014. Since then, the company has been engaged in a planning phase of activity with a variety of key stakeholders including NGOs and governments. Initial mapping has been completed for the ten landscapes selected for conservation activities. The mapping process also identified conservation opportunities, key threats, and stakeholders with land rights in each of the landscapes.

Aida Greenbury confirmed, “It has been 18 months since we embarked on our Zero Deforestation journey with the launch of the FCP and although there is much left to do, a lot has been achieved in a short time and we are confident that we are on the right track. 

“When we launched the policy, we were moving into uncharted territory, but since then the ‘Zero Deforestation’ movement has become more and more global. With growing support from businesses, governments and civil society, we are proud to be playing a leading role in helping the world end deforestation.”

Download APP’s 18 month FCP update report here

Food & Drink Business

From 1 July 2026, the excise remission cap for eligible brewers and distillers will be lifted by $50,000 to $400,000. The Wine Equalisation Tax producer rebate will also be increased.

Sydney Brewery has acquired the Rocks Brewing Company’s production facilities and venue in Alexandria, and plans to open a new Lovedale brewhouse by Easter, citing a massive increase in demand for its products as the reason for expansion.

The Arnott’s Group says its latest multi-million-dollar manufacturing facility will fuel the company’s growth ambitions in the better-for-you market segment. It will house Good Food Partners, Arnotts’ cereals, snacks and bars business.