When you are offered streamlined label design and approval, reduced artwork design time and improved regulatory compliance, it’s hard to say no. Barilla said yes to Dassault Systèmes’ Perfect Package artwork and labelling capability.
This month, Barilla moved to the package labelling creation process called Perfect Package by Dassault Systemes, across its worldwide organisation.
Its aim is to drastically reduce packaging development times and costs. When you’re 137 years old, it’s a tough world. Barilla is responding to an increasingly competitive market and tighter purse strings. Barilla had already worked out that it needed to streamline its artwork and labelling creation process and provide all of its stakeholders with secure, digital access to all the elements of the package including copy, logos and designs.
Orchestrating the design of effective packaging across 1500 products fropm 20 brands in hundreds of countries is an extraordinarily complex process. It requires collaboration between various internal departments and external art agencies to ensure that each of the thousands of packages sold by Barilla has the right copy, the right look and feel, and adheres to consumer expectations and international regulations.
“Five to eight seconds is all you’ve got. That’s how long it takes shoppers to find and select the right product for their family,” said Monica Menghini, executive vice president, corporate strategy, industry and marketing, Dassault Systèmes. “As you can imagine, a company spends a lot of time getting that moment of truth just right. This is the focus of our Perfect Package industry solution experience.”
Perfect Package is based on Dassault Systèmes’ 3DExperience Platform that provides a dedicated labelling solution and secure digital access to its most up to date product information. It reduces new labelling creation cycle time by removing the need to exchange paper samples. It accelerates label design and approval. And it improves quality and lowers label creation costs. For Barilla, it also ensures that designs and intellectual property which previously resided at external agencies are being brought back to Barilla.
“With the 3DExperience Platform, all our stakeholders can collaborate from idea generation to validation of the final Barilla package using a digital representation of the same master label,” said Marco Rossi, IT business process support director at Barilla. “No more working on outdated samples and making decisions that have to eventually be rescinded, which drove our costs up and our response time down. With this solution, we can digitally exchange ideas faster, more intuitively, and with few to no packaging recalls.”