
Omniverse Foster Packaging director Regan Foster was the deserving winner of the Young Packaging Professional of the Year Award.

The award provides incentive and recognition to young professionals who are both currently working in and wish to continue their career path within the industry.

Foster has received an enrolment into Leadership Management Australia’s ‘The Performance Edge’ - a 10-week development program valued at $3750.

Foster started with Foster Packaging five years ago with "no knowledge of flexible packaging".

He has embraced the role, and now deals with the many challenges of being in a young start-up business.

He took on the role with great enthusiasm and has achieved multiple successes within business and the packaging industry.

As a young professional, Foster has had to deal with staff with many more years' work experience behind them.

His goal has always been to achieve the desired result by getting the best out of his colleagues.

His passion to please their customer base has had a very positive and encouraging effect on the other staff members.

Regan’s ‘can do’ attitude, taking on sometimes impossible tasks, is infectious, according to staff, and proves to the team they have the ability to do anything.

Food & Drink Business

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The Arnott’s Group says its latest multi-million-dollar manufacturing facility will fuel the company’s growth ambitions in the better-for-you market segment. It will house Good Food Partners, Arnotts’ cereals, snacks and bars business.