The days of milkmen every morning are well and truly gone, but reusable packaging is an idea that is getting another day in the sun. Circular shopping platform Loop hopes to bring a reusable packaging revolution to Australia when it enters the market next year, through a partnership with Woolworths.
Loop is a circular shopping platform designed by TerraCycle that replaces single-use packaging for consumer goods with reusable packaging. Loop has its sights on most consumer goods, from ice cream to laundry detergent, to deodorant to juice.
PKN spoke to TerraCycle CEO Tom Szaky about the system and the opportunities it will present in Australia.
Szaky said the idea behind Loop is to fundamentally change the packaging market. “It shifts from selling a pack every time an object is sold to either selling the package as a service or selling it once for every 100 times the product is consumed, whatever that may be,” he said.
“It’s slightly different, and most of the time that’s exciting, but it can be scary.”
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