Sidel has signed on to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s New Plastics Economy Global Commitment, joining 400 other organisations working towards a circular economy for plastics.
Luc Desoutter, sustainability officer at Sidel, said signing the Commitment is another step for Sidel towards a sustainable future.
“Together with our clients and business partners, we want to continue playing a key role when it comes to addressing the increasing challenges of packaging, food safety and environmental impacts,” he said.
The manufacturer says before signing to the Commitment it was already aiming to reduce its environmental footprint, through avoiding waste, minimising greenhouse emissions, reduction of water and energy consumption, and sustainably managing its customers’ assets.
According to Desoutter, PET, which packages approximately 37 per cent of all beverage volume, can be returned to the value chain and should not be considered part of the problem – a bale of PET bottles can be worth €300 to €600 per tonne, depending on quality.
“We are witnessing a significant shift in attitudes towards how PET is recycled, and we want to use our engagement as part of the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment, to support and promote this development towards maximum collection and recycling rates,” he said.
Desoutter adds that the company’s end-to-end approach considers the impact of packaging and equipment both upstream and downstream in the value chain. He said, “When looking at packaging, not only do we need to take into account primary, secondary and tertiary packaging but also their interaction with the equipment in the factory.
“We do that by always bearing in mind interests and expectations carried by the industry players, the consumers and the civil society."