
The third Australian Institute of Packaging (AIP) State of Industry webinar will be held on Wednesday 5 June 2024 with the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment & Water (DCCEEW).

DCCEEW is set to reform Packaging Regulation & Design Requirements to deliver a circular economy for packaging in Australia.

With the federal government’s recent announcement of DCCEEW’s development of new mandatory requirements for packaging under Commonwealth regulation that will replace the current co-regulatory arrangement, all packaging technologists and designers need to start looking at how this will change the way they design their packaging going forward.

Australia’s new federal national packaging laws will provide regulatory certainty and consistency, and make businesses take responsibility for the 6.7 million tonnes of packaging they place on the Australian market.

Strengthened regulation will drive investment, minimise waste, and support circular economy outcomes, industries and jobs. Better packaging design makes it easier to reduce waste and to reuse, recycle or compost packaging waste.

Creating demand for recycled content will also increase recycling rates.

The webinar will discuss the priority pillars for DCCEEW for this reform, including:

  • DCCEEW to become the regulator of the new packaging regulation;
  • Mandatory National Packaging Design Standard;
  • Eco-modulation and Extended Producer Responsibility;
  • Eliminating Chemicals of Concern;
  • Establishing minimum thresholds for Recycled Content in all packaging; and
  • DCCEEW public consultation process and update.

Jane Cronin, director of Packaging Policy & Reform at DCCEEW, will be the speaker on this webinar.

All AIP webinars attain points towards the Certified Packaging Professional designation.

To book your place, by click here.

Food & Drink Business

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