
In a move to accelerate its global expansion, Australian automation and technology solutions company Agito Group has entered a joint venture with end-to-end supply chain specialist Hilton Food Group.

The new company, incorporated in the UK, will be owned by the founding shareholder of Agito, Michael Musca, and Hilton Food Group plc, which has acquired a 50 per cent interest in the company.

Agito’s offices and manufacturing operations in Australia will now expand into the UK and EU.

Agito Group CEO Emma Townsend will lead the global expansion.
Agito Group CEO Emma Townsend will lead the global expansion.

Agito CEO Emma Townsend will continue as CEO of the group and has been appointed a director and board member of the new entity. Townsend will lead the global expansion with the support of both Hilton and the global board, while founding shareholder and partner, Musca, will remain focused on business development and innovation.

Townsend told PKN that plans to extend AGITO’s global footprint and operations have been underway for the last twelve months. “This partnership will allow a more seamless transition into international markets, with support from Hilton to ensure resources are in place to service the expansion plans,” Townsend said.

With a global board of directors made up of both Hilton and Agito shareholders and executives, the joint venture will allow both companies to broaden their current offer.

“The benefit for existing Agito Group customers will be that we are now better placed geographically to deliver automation solutions into global markets outside of Australia.”

Townsend said the partnership also gives Hilton the opportunity to invest in a growing technology company, allowing Hilton to utilise Agito’s specialised automation solutions and experience to directly benefit and improve their existing customers’ value chain, most relevantly in the areas of logistics, distribution, production and data requirements.

“Agito has no plans to slow down in the domestic market, and both Australia and New Zealand will continue to be strong areas of growth,” Townsend stressed, noting that both Hilton and Agito will continue to operate independently, and all customer and project information will remain confidential.

“Both parties see the joint venture as an exciting opportunity to grow and expand our individual businesses,” she said.

“While Hilton manages the logistics performance of its customers’ end-to-end supply chain, Agito will focus on ensuring the most relevant and cost effective technologies are developed and utilised within this industry and beyond.”

Food & Drink Business

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