• Mark Dingley, Matthews CEO: Australia needs to step up fast with smart packaging technology.
    Mark Dingley, Matthews CEO: Australia needs to step up fast with smart packaging technology.

Smart packaging with QR codes that link to a product’s coronavirus swab test results are in the spotlight, as New Zealand and China forge their new trade deal.

At a time when Australia’s trade relations with China can at best be described as strained, New Zealand has upgraded its 2008 trade agreement with China, inking a new deal that will now see it have 98 per cent free trade with China once the agreement comes into full effect.

Many pundits see it as a smart move by New Zealand to leverage the fall-out of the fractious Australia-China relationship, and drive New Zealand industry growth.

Two points of particular interest emerge for the Australian packaging and manufacturing industry. The first is the use of QR codes on pack to link to Covid-swab tests that authenticate the coronavirus-free status of the packaged goods. The second is expediting clearance time for perishable goods at Chinese ports.

PKN asked Mark Dingley, CEO of intelligent identification supplier Matthews Australasia, for his view on this development. 

“New Zealand has certainly set the new benchmark. Not just on the QR code and linking to Covid swab results but also ensuring that goods clearance through Chinese will be expedited,” Dingley said.

“This is a big and significant change – especially currently as it appears, and as reported in the media, Australian goods seem to be held up at the ports.”

The QR code technology providing the packaged goods clearance as such is currently used on New Zealand beef and other fresh meat, but has application on all packaged food products.

Asked about the QR coding technology development in Australia, and how far behind New Zealand we are, Dingley said, “The technology we believe is doable and we’re already working on that. It’s just that Australia will be the followers as NZ sets new standards.”

Australian meat exporters are reportedly already working on track and trace solutions of this ilk, but as Dingley said, we need to follow suit swiftly.



Food & Drink Business

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