Unilever ANZ has announced it would donate more than $2m worth of essential food, home, and personal care products to Foodbank.
The announcement marked the return of Unilever’s Lifebuoy sanitiser brand to Australia, with the company donating $1m worth of the aerosol sanitiser. In addition, the company will donate $1m worth of essential homecare, personal care, and food products to Foodbank to distribute across Australia, including leading household brands Comfort; Sunsilk; Love Beauty and Planet; Simple; and Continental.
The company will redirect existing deodorant production facilities to help meet national demand for the cleaning product. The new 150-millilitre aerosol hand sanitiser contains 70 per cent alcohol and kills 99.99 per cent of germs without water. It will be manufactured in New South Wales.
Nicky Sparshott, the recently-appointed CEO of Unilever ANZ, said, “Unilever has a long history of contributing to personal hygiene in Australia and New Zealand and across the world – beginning with the creation of Sunlight soap by Lord Lever in the late 1880s.
“We believe we have a social, medical, and moral obligation to make hand hygiene readily available. That’s why we’re responding to government calls to action to increase supply of essential products by rapidly innovating and re-directing some of our Australian manufacturing.”