Coffee Galleria, a Sydney-based Australian boutique coffee roastery, tells PKN it has boosted productivity by 50 per cent following the installation of Jet Technologies’ Goglio G21 vertical form, fill and seal coffee packing machine.
Coffee Galleria has been operating since 2010 and has a range of coffee brands including Dark Wolf, Adore Coffee, Killer Coffee Co, Pure Bean, Pattison’s, Mastro, Florito, Jackson, Jay5, Lotus and other private label coffee brands.
“Previously, one of the challenges we faced was our production times were slower than we needed them to be to meet our business growth,” explained Aaron Montero, head of production and roasting at Coffee Galleria. “Our old packaging machines were no longer able to meet demand, and coupled with the challenge of staffing shortages, we were having to extend our packing hours amongst existing staff.”
“We knew that the Goglio G21 machine was going to be faster and easier to manage, but since installation it has actually exceeded our expectations. As we’ve really mastered the use of the machine, we’ve continued to increase our productivity levels, which has been really helpful to the business.”
Using the previous machinery, Coffee Galleria said it was packing its coffee during extended days of 10 to 12 hours. Since installing the new Goglio G21 machine this daily production has reduced to seven to eight hours, which has saved the company up to four hours of packing time and provides additional future capacity, it claims.
Coffee Galleria processes 18 tonnes of coffee beans per week for both wholesale customers and direct to consumer.
“The new machine allows us to stay ahead of our roasting capacity production at all times, which is a big improvement on us previously commonly running behind schedule and having to chase up orders. Now we can be confident that with any big or small order we are able to pack quickly and we can also easily take on new customers, which we’re always striving to do,” said Montero.
Positioned to get ahead
Coffee Galleria believes it is now positioned to take advantage of the continued growth the coffee industry has experienced following the Covid-19 slowdown.
“During Covid-19, like with all other coffee producers, demand reduced in wholesale trade, however it was during this time that we took the opportunity to start this project of upgrading to a new packaging machine. It was great timing because it’s much harder to make big changes like this at a time of full production, and following installation, demand has really kicked off again and roughly doubled,” added Montero.
Jet Technologies also supplies Coffee Galleria with flexible coffee packaging and Goglio degassing valves. Additionally, Coffee Galleria has been collaborating with Jet Technologies to offer customers the opportunity to redesign their packaging. So far Coffee Galleria has produced nine new coffee packaging designs for its customers, with more to come.
Installing the new machine
“We are really pleased that we’ve been able to support Coffee Galleria to install its new coffee packaging machinery at such an opportune time for the business, during a time of continued business growth,” said Daniel Malki, director of Jet Technologies. “It’s really exciting to see that Coffee Galleria has already achieved such big productivity and cost savings wins in less than a year since the machine was installed.”
Jet Technologies’ on the ground presence and support was a big factor in helping Coffee Galleria to make the decision to invest in the upgraded machinery, the company said. It has also helped to get Coffee Galleria’s staff trained and really comfortable on the Goglio G21.
“Our team says the Goglio G21 is really easy to work with and a big part of that is that whenever we have an issue Jet’s response time is really fast and we usually get it resolved the same day,” concluded Montero.
This article was first published in the May-June 2023 print issue of PKN Packaging News, p32.