• Lifestream has relaunched its supplements in packaging made from sugar cane.
    Lifestream has relaunched its supplements in packaging made from sugar cane.

Plant-based supplement producer Lifestream has launched a new range of packaging, produced by Forward Plastics, using sugar cane, with a design by Curious Design Consultants. 

The company told PKN the bottles supplied by Forward Plastics are produced from non-genetically modified sugarcane, which is sustainably and ethically sourced from Brazil as a by-product of the sugarcane industry. The sugar cane is milled and transformed into sugarcane ethanol, which is then used to create sugarcane plastic.

The labels are printed by Label & Litho in Wellington, New Zealand, and the company says they are made from biodegradable paper.

Curious Design Consultants creative director, Nigel Kuzimski told PKN that Lifestream wanted to redesign its product packaging to ‘appeal towards a more contemporary and ‘millenial’ target market”. Along with senior designer Ali Irons, they worked to refresh the range and make it more relevant to younger customers, while keeping the existing customer base. They used “an impactful design that clearly segments products according to consumer benefits, and clearly communicates key benefits to the consumer.”

Founded in New Zealand, Lifestream says it was the first to introduce Spirulina and Aloe Vera to New Zealand in the 1980s, before bringing its products to Australia.

Since then, Lifestream has focused on delivering plant-based supplements, that it says not only provide a highly bioavailable source of nutrients, but protect the local environments and communities where the products are sourced.

“We are proud of our long-standing commitment to delivering the highest quality, plant-based supplements on the market and protecting the environment whilst doing this. Our new packaging, utilising sugar cane plastics, is a step forward for us in terms of this commitment,” said Lifestream general manager, Petrina Morgan.

“Sugar cane plastics come from a renewable source, being sugar cane, and just like trees, sugarcane takes carbon out of the atmosphere as it grows. It’s a truly sustainable approach to packaging.”

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