
PKN talks... building a packaging business and a transparent leadership style with Nina Nguyen, CEO of Pakko.

In this episode, Lindy Hughson, managing editor & publisher of PKN Packaging News, and Nina Nguyen, CEO of Pakko, and winner of the 2021 Young Packaging Professional of the Year Award for the ANZ region, discuss the journey to establishing Pakko and developing an authentic leadership style when youth and gender could have been a disadvantage.

Nguyen tells us about her start with producing packaging for her parents' farm, learning the perils and pitfalls of importing and deciding to create her own business to ensure control of product supply. She admits there was a very steep learning curve when she purchased an existing company, but passion for finding a solution enabled her to transition and grow the entity into today's Pakko.

The discussion moves on to Nguyen's dedication to client satisfaction, the importance of branded packaging, and educating customers on the unboxing experience. This has led to the development of Pakko's Interactive Design Platform, a first of its kind, game-changing online tool that lets customers design their packaging solution online.

Nguyen discusses Pakko's sustainability goals and its recycling of material, sourcing FSC- and PEFC-approved materials from local partners, and the use of vegetable-based inks in printing. She also outlines Pakko's donation of off-cuts to a company that repurposes them as arts and crafts products.

The discussion then focuses on Nina's experiences as a young woman leading in a male-dominated industry, the importance of mentorship, and the development of Pakko's culture of honesty, transparency and diversity. We wrap up the episode with a look at what's next for Nguyen and Pakko.

This episode was sponsored by Ball & Doggett.

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The PKN Podcast is produced by Southern Skies Media on behalf of PKN Packaging News, owned and published by Yaffa Media.

The views of the people featured on this podcast do not necessarily represent the views of PKN Packaging News, Yaffa Media, or the guest’s employer. The contents are copyright by Yaffa Media.

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MC: Grant McHerron
Host: Lindy Hughson
Editor: Chris Visscher
Producer: Steve Visscher

PKN Packaging News - © 2021

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